MEDECINS D'AFRIQUE ONG Internationale des Médecins et Acteurs de Santé pour la Promotion des Soins de Santé Primaires |
Kenya – Pour une meilleure santé des enfants vulnérables
![]() MDA Kenya has been on the fore front of promoting better health and psycho social welfare of the community especially in Nairobi County. Through the Street Children and Youth Organization Network (SCYON), an entity for catering for the welfare of children and vulnerable people in the community, MDA has emerged as a key player in ensuring the health conditions of the targeted communities are taken care. This involves medical check ups, simple treatment, deworming as well as psycho social and mentorship sessions. Partnership with Maisha Poa Center Located at Kawangware semi- informal settlement, Maisha Poa Center supports poor households in economic empowerment as well as supporting their children in schools. It is also a rehabilitative drop in center where street children are fed, mentored and reintegrated back to families, schools or vocational training. MDA Kenya carried out 4 months’ mentorship sessions (April-July). 40 youths attended every weekly sessions. We carried out a Parenting skills training on August 20th. A deworming exercise for the children was also done. Deworming Exercise with Please Pass the Bread (PPTB) A partner NGO PPTB contracted the support of MDA is carrying out massive deworming and medical check ups between 22nd 25th June 2015. This was a four day programme targeting 4000 children in 40 schools. The region of focus was mostly in Nairobi Eastlands where communities live in abject poverty. Raha Kids Partnership Raha Kids is a center for rescuing boys from vulnerable families and streets, providing a shelter, food, education and other basic necessities. Due to their past experiences, most of them suffer extreme psycho social trauma. MDA conducted a medical check up for the 60boys and deworming. From August to November 2015, we shall be carrying out mentorship and physical exercises to the kids in an effort to raise their self esteem. Positive Progress This experiences have uplifted the profile of MDA Kenya and we are positive we shall touch the lives of many people in the community especially children. We hope through the efforts to get a full project and donor. Kenya - KABIRO PRIMARY SCHOOL HYGIENE AND SANITATION DONATION‐ 5th June 2015
![]() Like in all informal settlements within Nairobi, hygiene and sanitation conditions are in deplorable conditions. The road to Kabiro crisscrosses through pools of stagnant waters, open sewers and waste products. In the month of March to May, an outbreak of cholera claimed over ten lives within Dagoretti where Kabiro is situated. Kabiro Community School has both the primary and secondary sections with a total population of about 650 students. MDA has been carrying out school health session in the primary section and has formed the BCC‐ Club with a strong 108 members. Due to the pressing to keep the learning environment clean, MDA was prevailed to donate sanitation materials to the school. These included; a wheelbarrow, two spade and two pairs of hygiene gloves. This was done on Friday 5th June 2015. The headteacher, the health patron and all pupils expressed deep appreciations to MDA for improving hygiene in thier school. It was agreed that more should be done together including tree planting and also a medical check‐up in future. It was a fulfilling mission. The International Day for the Street Children (IDSC) in Nairobi, Kenya
In Kenya, the day was marked on Saturday 11th April 2015 at Drive Inn primary school. MDA Kenya was one of the organizing committee and hosted the planning meeting on 26th March. We were given the responsibility for the medical camp section and to coordinate all the health service providers. Over 600 children turned up of which 300 attended the medical checkup. They were checked for the common illnesses, baby wellness and also provided with sanitary materials. The event was successful with many activities including food, sports and entertainment for the children. The key speaker Prof Yash Pal Ghai, one of the eminent persons for the formulation of the current Kenyan constitution highlighted the constitutional rights of children. The main challenges faced included lack of sufficient funds to facilitate all activities for the day. The school grounds were also very dusty due to the extreme sun and winds and many people went home with a common flu. DOCTORS OF AFRICA – KENYA (MDA-KENYA) Tel : +254 724 803 885/ 724 600 450– - PO BOX: 21156-00100 Nairobi - Kenya Kenya - MDA medical check-up at Bignet primary school (Nairobi)
On October 11th, MDA Kenya visited Bignet Primary School in Nairobi for a medical check-up. The object of the program was to improve the health of students to help improve school performance by preventing diseases that may have an impact on education of students, taking care of common diseases and trauma in schools, and to also improve the nutritional status of students. Dewormers were given to each child. MEDICAL CHECK-UP The medical check up sought to undertake the following areas: Routine medical test : (Measurement: weight, height, weight/height ratio, Pubertal maturation, Examination of the mouth and teeth, Ostoscopy and hearing, General review/ examination) Psychological test, focus on the study of Thought and Language, The nature of sleep, Functional autonomy, Cognitive and intellectual sphere, Temperament and character ADA AWARENESS As the parents got through with the medical check up, they were ushered into a room where MDA staff was given basic information about alcohol and drugs abuse, and how they can prevent abuse among their puberty developing children. NUTRITION ASSESSMENT The idea was to prevent common illnesses because diseases in children are rarely detected early due to lack of family doctors. They are usually diagnosed when they have worsened and need a medical attention. This can be attributed mostly due to ignorance by care givers about the health of their children in term of monitoring and continuous evaluation by a medical doctor. MDA aims to change the situation in Kenya by carrying out school medical events where awareness is given for regular health surveillance to schools. A total of 24 children were examined: - 15 were found to be underweight - 3 cases were overweight - 1 case was obese - Only 5 had a good nutritional state CHALLENGES MDA Kenya made use of qualified personnel including doctors, nurses, nutritionists and psychologists. Due to the costs factor of purchasing medicines and other logistics, a cost sharing approach was used, where parent contribution was at Kshs 300 per child. This supported in facilitating the event through re-imbursements and refreshments. The head teacher of Bignet made some comments: the organisation should plan to reduce or scrape the charges since this is a low income region and such events are usually free. Should there be any charges, do it per household and not per child. Examine the children freely but charge for drugs. Do not only examine children but adults too since they are also vulnerable to common illnesses. The MDA team was well appreciated by the school board. MDA TRAINING ON HOUSEHOLD SKILLS AND HEALTH AWARENESS
The concept was conceived in May and topics to be addressed were selected based on the concerns of the local communities. A total of 45 people attended the meeting. Non MDA participants were requested to pay a modest fee of Ksh 1000 (USD 11) for tuition, lunch and a certificate. At the end of the training, it was evident from the participants that it was a worthwhile experience and they suggested that MDA plans for more comprehensive trainings on each of the topics and others. The issuance of certificates made it a crowning day for the participants, not to mention the sumptuous meal that was served at the cafeteria ! Kenya - MDA participation in the World Toilet Day 2013
The population that directly uses the community toilet include: 320 primary school pupils and a further 160 secondary school students. In addition, being in the center of one of the most populous informal settlement in Nairobi City, many residents within the school perimeters find their way into the facility. During the event several observations were underscored : · Old dilapidated toilet facility, rugged and worn out · Insufficient water, hence the atmosphere around the facility being very dirty and stinky. · The facilities are very few compared to the population of use. · Generally, the population is very ignorant on good hygiene practices, with waste overflowing (un-flushed), splattered on the floor and smeared walls. The main observations made were the need for immediate necessity for sensitization for all pupils and the community regarding best hygiene practices. At the time of the event, the schools had shut and only a few staff members were present. It was unanimously agreed that once schools re-open next year, there must be a deliberate effort to address hygiene and sanitation matters to the pupils, and highlight the dangers associated with poor toilet use. To report of the day is available in the “publications” page. ETHIOPIA : High Level Expert Meeting on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in Conflict, Post Conflict countries and beyond
Dr Jean Théophile Banzouzi (MDA Coordinator for Europa) and Dr Francine Ametonou (MDA DRC Representative) where there on behalf of Médecins d’Afrique. It was was a good opportunity to communicate on the approaches, strategies and experiences of MDA. During this meeting, the African Union allowed the African experts to exchange and especially to build a executive framework for concrete answers to eradicate the plague of the sexo-specific violence. A summary of the report of this mission will be available for the members of MDA. ------------------------ Du mardi 9 au jeudi 11 Octobre 2013, Médecins d’Afrique a participé à la consultation thématique organisée par l’Union Africaine dans le cadre de l’ISA (Initiative de Solidarité Africaine) et intitulée : «Prévention et réponse à la violence sexuelle dans les pays en conflits, post-conflit et au-delà», à Addis-Abeba, au Plenary Hall de l’Union Africaine, Old Conference Building. Dr Jean Théophile Banzouzi (Coordonnateur Europe) et Dr Francine Ametonou (Représentante MDA RDC) représentaient Médecins d’Afrique à cette consultation de haut niveau, qui a été l’occasion de communiquer sur les approches, stratégies et expériences de MDA. Une occasion extraordinaire qu’a offert l’UA aux experts africains pour échanger et surtout construire un cadre concerté pour apporter des réponses concrètes et durable afin d’éradiquer le fléau des violences sexo-spécifiques. Un résumé du rapport de cette mission sera disponible pour les membres de MDA. MDA Kenya in the emergency response to Westgate Mall terrorist attack in Nairobi
As a humanitarian non governmentalorganization, MDA has one of the areas of operation as emergency response. As a result, it was agreed that we should give a helping hand to the unfolding tragedy that had left many people mortally injured, maimed and psycho socially affected. We therefore deliberated on which best way we could support and afterwards settled on assisting in the blood donation efforts. We registered for the same on Tuesday 24th and spent the whole day offering help in the HB center, blood testing and collecting points. The blood donation appeal was made by the government and other agencies in order to assist the wounded in hospitals as well as increase the stocks in the blood bank. Thousands of people both from Kenya and foreign nations flocked to the donation centers all across the country and ultimately, over 4000 units of blood was collected. To note, according to the Kenya Blood Transfusion Center, the country has an annual blood requirement of about 400,000 units; however, in 2012, only 158,000 units werecollected. Blood collection therefore ought to be a continuous exercise. At the end of the event, it was fulfilling to know that we had offered our helping hand on a humanitarian crisis that befell our country. This was also an eye opener to MDA on such future initiatives should they unfortunately happen again. It was also clearly observed that the organization needs some basic first aid kits as well as some medical equipment such as HB screening tools, since these were the materials of support which we were being requested to provide. Emergencies, whether natural or manmade are a daily occurrence all over the world. In Kenya for instance, we have annually recurrent disasters in some regions. These include drought, famine, floods, epidemics among others. Manmade calamities include ethnic clashes, cattle rustling and as for this case, terrorism. As such, there is need for MDA Kenya to strengthen the area of emergency response and put in place ideas, systems, materials and mechanisms for effective and efficient response. KENYA - Meeting with H.E Ambassador of republic of Congo And Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN-Habitat Jean Pierre OSSEY
From the left to the right; H.E Excellency Jean Pierre Ossey, the Ambassador &Permanent Rep to the UNEP and UN Habitat, Mrs Lea Bansimba MDA-Kenya HR Manager, Josue Tchishibandji MDA-Kenya Country Rep, Paul Mburu MDA-Kenya Field Coordinator and Rolland Tete, Administration &Technical Officer at the Embassy KENYA - Alcohol and drug abuse sensitization and mentorship campaign
The campaign against drugs in the school included the following activities: (i) Sensitization (ii) Mentorship. - Sensitization began whith a presentation that addressed the following areas, in order to equip the students with the full knowledge and understanding relating to drugs and drug abuse: What is a Drug, Commonly abused Drugs, History of Drugs, Statistics of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (in the world and in Kenya), Causes of Drugs abuse, Signs/ Symptoms of Drug Abuse, Effects of Abuse (Individual and Family level, National and International), Real life pictures of health effects, The stages to addiction (experimental, social, habitual and compulsion/addiction), Treatment and rehabilitation. This was accompanied by questions from the listeners, who asked specific questions where they did not understand or needed clarification. We wanted the session to be as interactive as it could be. - In mentorship, the team used the experience of one us, who has gone through the life of drugs to tell his life story. He told of how he got into the habit, the influencing factor in the process, the many dangers of spillover effects and the near death condition that drugs put him into. This was meant to put the listeners into a real life situations from the experience of a person who was gone through it, and cause a mind changing effect. At the end of the session, we had an open discussion where participants could give comments, observations, questions, feedback and resolutions from the presentation. From the pupils’ and teachers’ remarks, it was clear that the whole experience was very timely and with a very positive effect to all participants. The director was indeed very touched and showered Medecins D’Afrique team with much gratitude for choosing the school to be the pioneering venue for our program. In return, the team promised that we shall keep in touch and involve the school as we roll out the rest of the programs. VENEZ REJOINDRE MEDECINS DAFRIQUE !
28.08.2009 Médecins d’Afrique, née au Congo en 1993, est désormais une ONG internationale de médecins et acteurs de santé qui veulent mettre leurs compétences au service du développement socio-sanitaire de l’Afrique. L’Afrique en marche a besoin de toute personne de bonne volonté, c’est ainsi que nous lançons également un appel à tous les amis de Médecins d’Afrique, votre expérience, si vous le souhaitez, peut devenir un formidable atout. Relevons le défi de la santé pour tous en Afrique, pour que l’on ne puisse plus dire : Mbevo fua i fua, nganga mbazi. (le malade meurt, le docteur viendra demain.) -------------------- COME AND JOIN MEDECINS D’AFRIQUE! Médecins d’Afrique, born in Congo in 1993, is henceforth an international NGO of doctors and actors of health who want to put their skills in the service of the socio-sanitary development of Africa. Africa needs every person of willingness, and so we also issue an appeal to all the friends of Médecins d’Afrique, your experience, if you wish it, peut can become a tremendous asset. Let us take up the challenge of the Health for All in Africa, so that one cannot say any more: Mbevo fua i fua, nganga mbazi. (The patient dies, the doctor will come tomorrow.) |